
I don't even know what I'm doing with my blog nowadays. Don't get me wrong. It's not that I no longer wanna blog. It's just that I found out that it's NOT my laptop charger that is giving the M.F problems but my power port IN my laptop that is malfunctioning. It's loose apparently, which is why my laptop can't charge everytime I plug in my charger.

Haha. What's a blog? Haha! No time to blog nowadays, even if my lappy is still working. Busy with work and appealing for Ngee Ann Poly and yada2. Got a lot of things to settle and organise, like the S.C chalet for example.

Oh and by the way, to the S.C peeps(you know who you are), there MIGHT be a chalet for us in March. Not sure yet. Still in the midst of planning.

So till the next time I blog, which would be...Erm..I have no idea when, take care lovelies and all the best in your new school!

1:27 PM


Bloody MOTHER FUCKERS from Sim Lim! Sold me a 'brand new' laptop charger for like $65 and guess what? It only worked on the first night of usage, being last night. This morning, however, when I woke up, my charger wasn't even working at all! The green light indicator was off and my laptop wasn't even CHARGING despite the fact that my charger is already plugged into my laptop and the power socket and is already SWITCHED ON!!

Now tell me. What kinda bloody laptop charger would actually SPOIL, MALFUNCTION AND NOT WORK IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF USAGE???????

What a waste of my time and money!

8:07 AM


Yup...My laptop charger is spoilt and I atin,t getting a new one until my pay comes in 2 weeks later. Currently, I'm using my manager's laptop to blog. So nice of her.


Anyways, yeah. I've got a lot of stuff to update on. I think.

For starters, last Thursday, I went clubbing at Dbl O together with my cuzzy and her pals, my twin sister, Jun, and her pals as well. It was freaking awesome but it was damn packed! What do you expect? It was a Ladies Night!

Before the Dbl O outing, I wasn't really feeling myself. Had no mood to work ampi trbwk2 my moodiness to work to the extend that I wasn't into work and was nasty to almost everyone. I apologised to all of them already and after Jun talked to me and I went clubbing at Dbl O, everything started falling back into place and my mood to work returned at full force.

*Thanks Jun! Love you!*

So posting results are finally out. Got Creative Media Design at Singapore Poly. I wanna appeal for either Mass Communications or Film Sound and Video at Ngee Ann Poly though this coming Monday. Don't know how I'm actually able to do that cuz I lost my course slip.

Found my Survivor computer game FINALLY but can't play it cuz my laptop batt's flat and I got no way of recharging it until I get a new charger which would be soon I hope.

My adek's gig is on the 14th of Feb, which is Valentine's Day.

*Adek Khairil, good luck for your first ever gig! I'll be there to support you dek!*

Organising an outing to Sentosa on the 15th of Feb for the FCX peeps whom we're close with.

Organising an SC chalet during the March Hols for those sec 5s whom I'm close with and who always chill and study at SC together.

Organising some activities or DJaying thingy for FCX on Valentine's Day(technically la cuz I gotta burn all those romantic songs and do the song requests and dedications thingy).

So long yaw!

12:57 AM