I swear I hate my laptop. Just last week, it could read and view all the folders in my external hard drive when I plugged it in.
But this week. NOOOOOOO. I plugged in my external hard drive into my laptop to backup my weekly data just in case *touch wood* my laptop crashes and what did my laptop do? It could detect my external hard drive was plugged in but I can't excess it anywhere at all on my laptop, let alone view all the folders in my external hard drive. Pfft. Now how the fuck am I gonna back up my weekly data if I can't even excess my folders in the hard drive at all? I can't keep using people's laptops and thumbdrives to help me back up my data to my external hard drive. It's so effing troublesome la !
The ironic thing. My younger brother's laptop could read and view the folders in my external hard drive. AND my laptop could view and read all the folders in my iPod and handphone but not my external hard drive ! Of all the things it could have gone on to screw ! My hard drive is the most important piece of shit to me you bloody fucking laptop !
9:32 PM