
Starting from today onwards, I'm no longer gonna be affected by what I found out last Sunday. I'm no longer gonna be hurt nor feel hurt nor bring myself down just because of those shitty truths that were revealed. Guess Tun, Zakk, Adek Afiq and Adek Khairil were right. I shouldn't think too much about that matter anymore or rather, I should totally just ignore that matter and drop it altogether cuz it's useless for me to continuously think about it and get hurt by it.

I just realised that it's because of that matter that my relationships with my loved ones, being my bros and my close friends, are affected. I'm sorry for that. I won't let that happen again. I promise.

Today will be a brand new day. A fresh new start. Fuck that shit. Throw away the past. Look forward to the future.

P.S: 180 degree change

4:31 PM