Yesterday, I went jalan raye with the 9 Fuckers & Co clique. It was enjoyable and tremendously fun! I kept quiet in the beginning part of the journey cuz I was honestly damn sleepy. I only slept at 4am that morning and woke up at around 8am. So you can understand how I felt.
Anyways, I won't go into details cuz it'll be a long draggy post if that were to happen and moreover, I'm lazy to go into details. However, the bestest part of the outing had to be at Faris's house, where Ray, Alep and Faris took it in turns to play the songs they knew on Faris's guitar and all of us started singing along to their chords, like Knocks You Down, Belaian Jiwa, Lucky and more. :)
I'm just full of smiles. I love those buggers man. :)
The weekend will be extremely busy for me cuz I've got an open house and 1 more raye outing to attend.
P.S: Enjoyable.
12:57 PM