Well. Happy birthday to me. Haha! I know it seems pretty lame but hey! That'll have to do. Besides, I wasn't really looking forward to my birthday this year and I even forgot that today was my birthday until Adek Afiq reminded me yesterday while we were bussing our asses down to Burger King at White Sands Shopping Centre. I'm serious. I've been so busy this entire week that I actually forgot the dates and all I could think about was 'Ok. Tomorrow's Wednesday, which means that the SD & GYLC clique will be going jalan raya.' or 'Ok. Today's Thursday and I'm supposed to accompany Ridzwan'. Days appeared magically in my mind while shoving the dates out at the same time. Ok. Am I making any sense here? If I don't, then forget it cuz I'm not gonna ask your feeble minds to comprehend what I just said.
~Adek Afiq, thanks bro!
On the plus side, I would like to thank the following people for wishing me a happy birthday. Jyeah. I know. I can just say 'THANKS EVERYONE' but I would much rather list down the names you know? It's like so BOOMS. *Imitates Ris Low* Gives it a more personal touch.
Beloved Ppl:
Wei Xiang, Rina, Ash SMA, Zakk, Adek Afiq, Qom, Tun, Ella, Sam, Cynthia, Rye, Azlina, Cik Tah, Adek Khairil
Friends :) :
Amanda, K.Y, Khairil SMA, Adi, Syai, Gerald, Keenan, Izzy, Kabin, Zach, Huda, Marcia, Fikry, Dani, Rahmat, Sunil, Hafiz, Dylan
Anyway, school is starting in like 2 days time and I just received an e-mail from Iain. School's starting at 8 on Monday, NOT 9. I'm like WTF?! On the bright side, DID students are only schooling on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. For my class that is.
Here's a BIMBO quote to end this post.
'When I'm feeling NAUGHTY, I would wear something RAD and LAOD. Something, you know.....
P.S: Booms. :)
1:24 PM