
Ok. So I just got back home after hanging out with my brother, Afiq, and his friend. After accompanying his friend home, we were hanging out under the void deck while smoking when my brother suddenly said:

Afiq: I just feel so happy.

Me: Asal sey?

Afiq: I just feel so happy that you're my brother and aku pon tktau asal aley2 aku rse gni.

I was like damn touched man when he told me that.

We started off disliking each other simply cuz our first impressions of each other were 'Matrep'. We didn't get close yet until 1 week after I started working. That was when we started talking to each other and from there, we started hanging out with each other together with my other brother, Khairil, and my close pal, Aiman. Slowly but surely, we progressed to become brothers and that was like the locking point of us becoming so damn close.

Afiq. If you're reading this, just note that you never fail to make me happy with your jokes and you forever teasing me. Seeing you happy makes me happy. Yeah, we had a misunderstanding once and I'm sorry for that cuz it was partly my fault. You're like a younger brother to me and I'll always treasure every single moment that we spent together cuz to me, these memories that are forged can never be replaced by wealth or anythingelse for that matter. I love you A LOT bro.

P.S: Touched. :)

12:04 AM