
Ok. I just got back home from an evening out with my best friend, Jun, and my abg agkt, Wan. Jun was stressed and she invited me to window-shop with her at Tampines, which I readily agreed, as I haven't seen her for a long time. Since Wan was hanging out at my place, I invited him along too.

So basically, we shopped around for a Mother's Day present for my granny, after which we went to catch Wolverine at Century Square.

Overall, I give the movie 3 out of 5 stars. The characters were ok but the limited number of mutants and the poor storyline actually made the movie suck.

Jun and I caught up on a lot of things and basically, we're going through the same rough patch together as she also faced the same outcome as me at FCX.

As much as I'm thoroughly disappointed and greatly saddened by the outcome, life still has to go on. I'm not ready to work yet cuz I still can't get over the fact that I'm no longer working at FCX and my heart is still in that place.

Even Mama hugged and kissed Tun and I this morning when we dropped by and she actually cried cuz we were terminated. Seeing her cry was so heart-wrenching that I broke down as well.

I don't know. Lately for the past 3 days, I've been crying my eyes out. I've been feeling so down and out lately, exhausted from being continuously beaten up by life and I've been emotional all cuz of the fact that I'm terminated alongside Tun.

P.S: Guess I have to move on then.


12:17 AM