
Hey bloggers. It's been almost an entire week since I blogged. I've been busy.

Anyway. I think I'm finally moving on although truth be told, every single time I hear those lil cat bells, I would automatically look around for Sharon, forgetting for a brief moment that she's already passed on. A part of me somehow still refuses to admit that she's no longer around.

As for this week. Everything's quite hectic I must say with our assignments progressing on. It's moving at breakneck speed cuz of the Y.O.G holidays at the beginning of next month; hence our submission's at the end of this month.


All these things must be done. I will do it. I don't want to lose the steam and adrenaline I had back in Term 1.

Yesterday night was awesome by the way with Zakk, Ella, Sya, Gene and Kye. ^^

11:43 AM