Hey y'all. Sorry for not updating but I was away for the past few days. Where? FCX chalet of course.
I won't get into exquisite details and stuff cuz it will be really wordy but all I can say was the chalet was freaking awesome! We were drinking for 2 consecutive nights. On the second night, almost all of us got drunk, including myself and my adek. I love the feeling of getting the drunk but I hate the hangovers that comes with it. -.-
A lot of funny things happened on the second night when we were high, tipsy and drunk. Like I said, I won't elaborate but my adek was actually comical, sweet and damn MANJE when he got drunk. Come to think of it, this was the first time that he actually got drunk after all this time that he's been drinking.
Ok. Maybe I'll spare this one little bit of detail cuz I want it to be etched in my blog for my past memories. I helped him on the mattress and that was when he was like laughing and hi-fiving and saying goodbye to everyone.
Me: Adek ok tk?
Adek: Ok. Da muntah, da tk mabok.
*Starts talking and mumbling.
Me: Da. Adek jge dri and adek g tdo. I love you.
Adek: Ok buhbye!
*Continues mumbling and talking
Me: Adek! Adek sygkn abg tk?
Adek: Sygkn ar!
Me: Lao adek sygkn abg, adek g tdo. Tkmu byk bunyi.
Adek: Ok. Abg...Can I have a hug first?
Me: Hug? Ahkay2...
Since my adek was drunk, I just relented cuz I love paying attention to drunkards as they will say the most funniest of things that they won't even say or do when they are sober. I hugged him, messed with his hair and told him "Go and sleep la dumbshit. Anything panggil abg cuz I'll be outside. I love you dek" to which he replied "Ok. Love you too bro" and he went off to bed.
P.S: Drunkards are funny. :D
12:43 PM