Today marks the last day of 2008. For the first time in a REALLY LONG TIME, I feel sad that the old year is about to fade away into obscurity be gone forever.
Cuz 2008 has been a REALLY GOOD YEAR for me. I managed to turn most of my enemies into the closest of friends. I found not 1, not 2 but 3 VASTLY DIFFERENT groups of friends, whom I'm really close with, whom I really love and cherish A LOT, whom I'm willing to go all out for and whom I find it hard to let go off, being the Sec 5 S.C peeps, my bdk lepak as well as my FCX colleagues. I managed to pull my grades up for my Prelims. I managed to make a complete 180 degree turn in my life and changed almost every aspect of myself for the better(my temperamental problem and my attitude for instance). I resumed working for the same company but at a different outlet(FCX) and I'm much happier working there than I was at TM cuz of the environment, the management and most importantly, cuz of the people there, who are MUCH FRIENDLIER than SOME OF THE TM STAFF. At least the staff at FCX DON'T judge newcomers based on first impressions alone and they also DON'T have this princip, where the NEWBIES MUST TALK AND MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE OLD STAFF, unlike some of the staff at TM, where they(not all of them; just certain people whom I shall not mention) have this WEIRD and STUPID princip DRILLED into their small, pea-sized brains and mindsets.
As 2008 draws to a close in this final few hours, I can't help but feel sad and hollow inside. The fact that all these good memories were created, new close friendships were forged and a new life was created in this year alone made this year an exceptionally great one! I'm so gonna miss you 2008... :(
8:18 PM