
'Friends come and go'.. Its part of the circle of life..

Sometimes,close friends fight and end up as lifelong enemies..At other times,close friends drift apart,which is what I'm currently experiencing right now..

Although it hurts,it stings and the pain is throbbing away like crazy,I just have to accept the bare facts as it is..To be completely honest,I never expected us to drift apart like this..I no longer feel the care and concern from you..Our close-knit friendship is no longer like what it used to be..

I miss all the good old times we shared back then but most importantly,I miss you..However,the good old times will just be that. Good old times. There's no rewinding back time just to live it all over again. We may have drifted apart but just know that I'll be there for you if you need me cuz that's the mark of a true friendship..Going through thick and thin together..

-Life's A Bitch

11:39 AM